Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: What! You too? I thought I was the only one.

-C.S. Lewis

Saturday, June 04, 2005

This from Andrew Sullivan:

Absolutely. That's why a belief in neutral government is deeply linked to the idea of limited government - far more limited than the statist free-for-all that we have today. And that's why George Bush has been so damaging to the principles of limited, neutral government. He has both massively expanded government's reach and size, while making it far less value-neutral. He has deployed the old methods of the big government left for a religious agenda. His assault on classical conservatism is therefore perhaps more profound than those of the left - because he has also given it the imprimatur of conservatism.

Sometimes I think that Andrew is the only conservative who's intellectually honest enough to admit that Bush is about as far from traditional conservatism as Lenin. OK, not that far. But almost.

Anonymous said...

I believe your assessment of Mr. Sullivan is correct. Even when I disagree with him (and I mostly do), I have to admit that he is stating his position without the inflammatory dreck of the usual wingnut.

Thanks for the link.

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